We started the day with a gratitude circle around the fire where we passed the talking piece and expressed our personal interests and ideas about our adventures for the day. Eight little people between the ages 3 and 6 were keen to explore the land and head-out to Turtle Rock for an Eagle Eye adventure activity to exercise their stealthy observation and camouflage skills. Then off to the meadow for a blindfold activity (Deers Ears) to practice their heightened listening capabilities. Wandering exploration led the children to find, float and throw milkweed seeds to the wind to entice the monarch butterflies back to a healthy habitat in the spring pastures..
We then headed to Molar Rock to indulge in the popular energy boosting trail snack- date balls full of nature's candy, seeds and nuts...
Upon our return to the fireside, we identified the cattails soaking in water as we prepared for the Cattail Duck crafting alongside our favourite pastime of roasting apples on a stick. Raking and jumping in leaf piles was a perfect autumn activity and it helped me in gathering mulch for the gardens...
Lunch break beside the kitchen cookstove followed by a quiet nature memory activity offered some collaborative quiet time for all which was then enlivened by a musical jam session before heading back outdoors.
Post lunch and with freedom to roam we found ourselves in yet another pasture for a field activity of Hawk and Mice to encourage running freely, wandering, hiding and seeking.
Passing the talking piece in our closing sharing circle offered opportunity for all to share their favourite plant story of the day and thanks giving...