The 2018 Highlands Summer Nature Connection Program: We thrived and survived the heat wave with gratitude for the cedar grove's shady offerings to keep us cool...Thank you to all of the parents and children who made this summer program happen!
2018 Summer program in review...
The clay oven project occupied youthful hands in molding layers of clay over a tinder stick bundle throughout the six week summer session. Children molding the clay oven with the clay dug up from the nearby wetlands.
With shovels in hand they created a miniature ephemeral wading pool which cooled down all the children as they thrived and survived the drought conditions with mud therapy in bridge and tunnel building...
Foraging and experimentation with the natural pigments of golden rod, amarynth, nettle, charcoal, white clay followed by drying and taking turns learning how to use the mortar and pestle to grind them up the most efficiently. We also had some natural charcoal and white clay to add to the mix and set to work testing which items from our
collection would make the best paints.
Foraging Cattail to add to the bush bed contruction created a resting space in the shade.
Our daily snack break...beat the heat with watermelon popsicles and nettle tea.
Our morning wanders in the cedar grove and beyond...
Art inspiration in the canopy...
Core routines included morning wanders, knowledge sharing and gratitude circles, cardinal direction activities and some down time with relaxing in the hammocks, dancing with hoops and exploring rhythms with musical interludes...
I am very grateful for sharing this fun loving summer program with such a wonderful crew of natural experientialists.