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Homeschool & Earth Stewardship
Youth Programs: 

 Outdoor Circle Garden Classrooms on Elementary School Playground.
All programming incorporates the practice of restorative communication circle strategies.

Cardinal Direction Mandala Garden of Edible Perennials to diversify the school playground

The Circle forms a container that can safely “hold” conflicting viewpoints and diverse perspectives.

Circles with youth offers opportunity to practice empathetic communication and creates a quality of engagement with one another that is respectful and non-judgmental, which supports a trusting environment where creativity, insight and growth in the collective group wisdom flourishes.


Photos Below

Early Childhood Education Students (Algonquin College) Naturalizing the Elementary School Playground: 

Planting the Circle Classroomon with common and native perennials. 

Planting an outdoor classroom at Drummond Central School. Diversify the playground with Edible Perennial Gardens
Cardinal Direction Mandala Garden Classroom at Drummond Central Elementary School

Forest and Fireside Homeschool Circles

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